Home Installation of a Marr & Colton 2/5
Theatre Pipe Organ
South Freeport, Maine, USA
Pete Haskell
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Photo Gallery

My first look at the organ, in storage - pretty good condition, but oooh, that color!

Even a small organ has a lot of parts!

The toy counter - the fun stuff!

The original Spencer blower - motor is included: 220V, 3HP, 3 phase

It takes a big truck to move a pipe organ

And it also takes a willing crew, even in the rain!

All loaded, and plenty of room to spare!

In its new home - "some assembly required"

The Bourdon Wall

The Pneumatic combination action is in good condition

The two setter boards are located behind removable panels on each side of the console

M & C chests use a magnet, and a pallet mounted on a pneumatic, for each note

Bass drum and beater

The Cymbal, and beater - missing the hammer!

The snare drum and beater - guess it's time for a new head!

Glockenspiel - 30 note Kohler Lieblich "Liberty Chimes"

The Xylophone - 37 note Deagan